Partial denture
also called "hemiprosthesis" or "half prosthesis".
Some knee problems can be treated with a partial prosthesis, that is, a prosthesis that only replaces the articular surfaces and the meniscus on one side of the knee.
The operation is lighter than the total prosthesis, the incision is a little smaller, the rehabilitation is faster, and the function of the knee is "more natural" afterwards.
This prosthesis can be considered for the following indications:
- degenerative osteoarthritis affecting only one compartment of the knee, internal or external,
- wear after excision of the meniscus several years earlier,
- isolated necrosis: area of bone that dies for no particular reason, and which causes pain when loaded,
- wear on "X" legs or "O" legs
It is necessary to count with a hospital stay of 3 to 7 days, and a rehabilitation of approximately 2 months. Rods are only needed for about 3 weeks.
In some cases, knee osteoarthritis affects only the patellar part:

In this type of case, only the joint between the patella and the femur, or patellofemoral, can be replaced.
The prosthesis consists of a patellar "button" in polyethylene (a variety of ultra-resistant plastic), and a "shield" in polished stainless steel that is inserted on the top of the femur.

profile view of the prosthesis:
This prosthesis is designed for relatively young and active patients, up to about 60-65 years old; it "saves time" on the progression of osteoarthritis, ensuring good knee function almost without pain for years. It is however likely that a second operation will become necessary if the osteoarthritis progresses in the other compartments of the knee.
We can expect a fairly rapid recovery after the operation, faster in any case than after a total prosthesis, which is much more invasive.